Friday, December 11, 2015


Like a grapevine
I'm rooted in your being
and as time passes
I spread myself into the
places inside you
you never knew were there

Like the wind
I press against you
then pass through
without you ever knowing

Like falling darkness
I remind you of your light
always encouraging you
so your brilliance will show

I remember the moment
you first touched my mind
the ripples are still lapping at the shores of
my insatiable need to dump my spirit on you

I'm not saying I can't survive without you
but why would I want to
the further I creep along your being
the more of you I want to see

By nature
I pull those to me that need my touch
I never thought I'd find someone
who allows me to touch back

Kiss me again
and let me sink deeper into those places
you never knew were there


There's no way to describe it
he sees me every day
and still looks at me as if 
he is compelled to touch me *

Each morning 
I turn to him
to find him smiling
He looks at me as if I'm made of
the ethereal darkness before sunrise
and rain

When he lays me down
I forget he's touched me before
he stares into my eyes when he enters me
I close my eyes in order to breathe
when I open them 
he's still watching

I ask him if he's bored
with me
with us
with the monotone days 
of consistent menial tasks
and conversations which bear the weight of responsibility

I ask him
if from the consistent sameness my body feels old in his hands
he says 
the fact he gets it often
doesn't change the beauty of it ~

Here I thought 
I was calling contempt in the familiar

It seems I can rest well knowing
the sloughing off of my old self
the gradual change of my body
the shavings of my mind 
are enough to keep him content

If only he knew
how he feeds the fountain of my soul

Thank You, Nana (*) and Andre (~) for your contributions to this creation =)


When I kissed him for the first time
I tasted tears
In his touch I felt
a thousand rejected embraces
that is when I realized
someone's pain
gave birth to the man I love

There is always a she before
before the days of deep loving
She is there asking him to show up
asking him to pour out
her Being
fed up
ripped him open
and exposed the vulnerability
she always needed

I wonder
how many times she prophesied my coming

He found me
and built an unfathomable love around me
but I am not ignorant
it was her pain which shaped him
molded him
chiseled him into the man
from the block of boy
he once was

When I first kissed him
I tasted tears
and was reminded someone deposited love
to received little in return

In my kiss
I thanked her for her patience
and her release
I will spend my inheritance