Monday, October 26, 2015

He Said

There is a knock at my window
2 stories from the ground
I wonder who
It is a messenger and a message
 I listen

Candles lit
I'm not much into that but
they invoke a spirit
which sits with me until tears flow
after the numbness eases it went away
 I listen

He said
he'll make love to me
to the sounds of
wind whispering through willows
I close my eyes
 and I listen

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Muffled thoughts speak no thing
Muffled moans speak no pleasure
Muffled screams speak no pain
I can no longer stand it

I want my thoughts to come from my throat like
water from broken hydrants
My moans to escape my chest
My screams to release my pain like raindrops

Let me take up the room
which belongs to my soul

Let me expand through all frequencies
with the vibrations of my voice

I'm not asking permission

I'm foretelling the future
So you aren't stunned by the sonic booms I leave behind
as I break through the veils

Muffled no more by the timidness stuck behind my breasts
Silence becomes my lover
that makes me manifest as One

Monday, October 19, 2015


you will always have one in you
I don't know
So I serve you
You are a stranger

Close to you
you tell me your heart
and I treasure it
You are my friend

and protected
I encourage you
You are my brother

From my womb
I will always listen
always be attentive to you
You are my child

Secure in your arms
I honor you
I give you the fullest respect
You are my father

Kisses like honey
my passions flow
embracing you in every way allowed
You are my lover

a temple for the glory of creations light
I worship
You are divine

You are my agape love


I let you go every night
so I can relearn you each morning

I take you back into my heart

Renewed like Spring
you ease into my life
until one day
I notice the trees are green
and there are flowers by the way

I remember too
you are like the coming Summer
so I prepare my heart
for the natural changes
I store up kisses and kindness

When Autumn brings the cold
and responsibilities are wrapped around us
I release you like crisp colorful leaves
and brace myself for the Winter's cold

but I feel you let go of me every night
then you pull me close each morning
with fingertips along the edge of my chin
like braille

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Point A to point E
far apart together
depending on
what level you look
they almost look like one

point A
a beginning
point E
a beginning

no matter where you stop the line
A to C
E to J
even invisible
are connected

two points
and a mighty hand
holding a red thread
tying each to the other
then pulls

til line
becomes dot
cause two are now one

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Here lies all the names
that once covered my hopes
with someday's and forever's
I no longer need to keep them
as memories pressed between
my present and my future

I open the pages
chant each name
to unbind them from me
to set them free

first love
unexpected smiles
bathing suits
night woods
emerging hearts
harts with fresh air

a beautiful poem of my love

untied from the stones of
what was done before
I blow kisses at ghost lovers
break the bones of their skeletons
boil them with forgiveness
and mix it with honey to drink
they will become
part of the cells I exfoliate
to make me glow

Deep inside I pull a string
a light flickers on and fades luminous
and there no longer in the shadows
I see the one I love the most
I have slain the many-headed dragon of the past
to reclaim the space where his love belongs
now I can give him the kiss of life
to awaken him