Tuesday, January 10, 2012


When you came
You knew what you were going to do
You knew what you were going to be
I had no idea
I had no idea the test would come so soon
Dreams have a funny way of showing up
when you least expect them
and you can't recognize them
Good thing 
I have something
on the inside 
that makes it impossible to miss
those people that I need to meet

Take your time in my life
I want you for a long time
I want to have you 
in all the ways 
this life will allow
I can't pretend
you don't cause 
the old things inside me
to suffocate
What do you want
What do you want from my heart

I wish I could spend time's time
with you
that's how special you are
I wish I had seconds
that stretched into miles
I just wouldn't know what to say
I wouldn't know how to spend 
so much time with you
I am an artist
and I created a blueprint of myself
You are the masterpiece
chiseled from my pain and my faith

Excuse me 
excuse me while I 
curl up in my heart
and let you spin the picture 
Excuse me while 
my spirit talks to yours
and my words become
nonsense and folly
This is me 
opened out
All of my sadness
hangs around 
it's curious about you
and why it wants hug you
all the happiness in me
dances for you

If I had the time
and no need for words
I would spend that time
and watching you
build your life
If I could 
I would take the love I have inside
mold it into wings
and place them on you
And watch you 
as you use my love to leave the ground

(c) kalonia jennings 12

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jahliicia for stopping by appreciate your time =)
