Sunday, February 24, 2013


My Soul says
I open a door
and see myself
holding 3's
covered in numerical circles
smelling of wet earth
I tag someone
he says he's not it
I take back my touch
and close the door

My Soul says
I open a door
and see multiple hands holding
books and children
people and love
I tag the earth
it says it's not it
I take back my touch
and close the door

My Soul says
I open a door
there's another door to open
I step into a hallway
and see my Soul there
It says hello
I tag It
It laughs and begins to count
I turn to run
so it can chase me
but not before I close the door

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The End

It sucks
coming to the end of this bottle
it means you will flood my mind

I sip slowly from this glass
the sweetness haunts me
because it reminds me
of your touch

The end of this glass means
I have to hear the lyrics
with the music
I don't want to hear your voice anymore

I understand the turning page
you're taking back the blood
of our hearts agreement
we are no longer kin

Turning it up
my eardrums throb
and the last drops hit my tongue
you begin to part the cloudiness

These are the days
I wish I wasn't sensible
so I could flood you out
with clouds of smoke

The End


Tied up
listening to the ocean
through the trees
chimes tinkle
watching dreams

they come like thorns
pressing and piercing
soft perceptions
between thoughts
and heart

pulling me along
you run away faster
to escape the shallow breath
behind you

Losing you twice
or a millions times
I don't care
you're right
it was nice

I subtract you
from the ocean
the tinkling chimes
and my breath
to enjoy thoughts

minus you

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Green

I captured it
in the colors of moss and cream
a city made for me
funky and classic
with the feeling like the taste of cake
made from scratch

I saw myself
in it's fog covered buildings
and it's winding ways
the order and the illogical
crammed with tight streets
and open minds

It called to me
and I went
interpreting it's meaning
so simplistically
like a silly girl would
It wanted to be my beloved
I didn't understand

Feeling my eyes opening
it leaves no doubt
of who it wants
like a lover
its holding out essence to me
in all the ways I can feel it
It asks me to receive

I've been so naive
like the green of a peach
not knowing it's ripeness
Thinking deep
is only found in arms and lips
The earth calls me home
it calls me to embrace it
I hear you and I'm coming

Monday, February 11, 2013


Too naive to hope
before you try
you'll create a safe space for me
because you knew
how this is going to hurt

you'll never know
how being with someone like you
will make me sad
so sad
that when they touch me
I'll leave my body for awhile

my being remembers
what you forgot to do
it remembers you didn't care
or maybe
you were so excited
you forgot I was there

I can't show you the scars
where you ripped me in halves
me from my body
me from my Self
me from love

I thought the sound of sex was loud
the pot boiling over whistling
but my screams
are always a reminder
I am here

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Before I could embrace myself fully
something like you showed up
I played with it
like a child with ants
feigning power

You showed yourself
and the glare of my own reflection
blinded me
so I hid

I live life
pretending not to see you
while you walk through my thoughts

I'm trying to make the familiar
a stranger
Like taking my fingerprints
and putting them on another

You rule a kingdom in me
but you wish to remain a commoner
inside someone else

I stop myself
from being a distraction
until the day
I can occupy my space in you

until then
I'm like a child with ants
feigning power