Oh my Lord..
To be those things I long to be
To do those things I long to do
To say those things I long to say..
Because I realize those longings are You
Releasing your power
and presence through me.
Today, I reflect on being En Abled (I'll have to ask my Latin major for the etymology). But that's is what I ask on this palm Sunday. I asked to be enabled to hear, to see, to think, to act, in the ways of Spirit. Not to "try" and be, not to "go" and get, not to ask to "receive" it... because it has always been within. I ask that "i" am moved out of it's way. So, that everyday fresh, filling, clean manna it released from me to the creation so loving made. I ask to be enabled, because it is the only prayer that makes sense to me. My needs are known, and answered before they are formed in my brain and coalesce into a thought. My need is only my need because it has already been filled to spilling over and I must let it go in order to receive it. Like a seed must die to enable the tree to grow. I must allow the seed of "i" to die. So the magnificent Spirit of all life can have it's way within me and outside of me. ...To grow me, fruit and flower me.. so make me .. and this life I have been given.. the value that it has within it with which it was given.... that precious and full life that is Spirit itself. Living and breathing "me".
I asked to be enabled to have the eyes to see my Lord all around me, especially in his children.. and completely in his children I feel are separate from me. So, that I am forever mindful of the One. And the goodness of that One that pours forth with the power of creation. that heals all, calls all, is all. and that power is Love. not the flimsy thing we call the bonds we attempt to make out of our fears of not being enough, having enough... but the real Love that has NO OPPOSITE.. the love that makes the bonds between atoms and the bond that urges connection between lovers, friends and families. I call on that Love within me.. to open me.. release me from blindness... to catapult me into the full understanding of Being. Not self-important knowledge that can be told with incomplete ideas... but with groaning of my heart that even 'i" cannot understand.. but You are the perfect translator of my intent.. and will make sure all who need to hear.. hear and all who need to see.. see.
I have the energy today to complete the tasks you have blessed me with.. I ask to be enabled to keep it. keep it high.. not to become "productive" for my own sake.. but to be the finished vessel for your energy to work in the lives of others. I am asking to be enabled to unleash my beauty, joy, and love into your creation.. So like the lilies of the valley.... "i" will be living my purpose in You. To be arrayed in the fullness of the spirit You created for me.. To walk, breathe, see from those eyes in the fullness of it's glory. to on longer be a child in spirit and woman in flesh.. but to become a child of the flesh and the graceful, elegant adult of Your Spirit given life as "me". Until the day that "i" can walk in the fullness of Oneness, not recognizing anything other than You.. not even a "me". And in that moment "i" will know that the Spirit is One... Until that day...
I asked to be enabled
Oh my Lord..
to be, live, and love
what you created me be....